Lapangan Basket Outdoor 4

Description :

Outdoor basketball field is an outdoor basketball field that located near TVRI tower and beside beach volleyball field. The size of this field is already using international standard which is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. This field is also equipped with toilet.

Type :


Call Center :

02129888555 ext 7000

List Schedule :

Capacity :

Total Booking :

2.6 K

Size :


Category :

Basket ball

    •  Available Schedule
       Booked Schedule
       Pelatnas Schedule
       State Schedule
       GBK Schedule
       You can purchase track tickets on the spot at Pintu Kuning
  • avatar

    Indria Bambang Rachmadi

    29 November 2023 09:37:43



    Sonny Maydana Sahid

    15 November 2023 08:47:35



    Yusdi Zainal

    13 November 2023 12:20:37



    ina nurdiana suhendra

    31 October 2023 15:37:07



    Mikhayl Richard

    27 October 2023 22:43:50


    Booking Now !
