Hockey field 1 (near beach volley field) is an international standard area of 6.755,8 square meters with 208 FOP lamp lighting. This hockey field is international standard, coated with synthetic carpet and equipped with other supporting facilities, such as player’s changing rooms, office spaces, toilets, and mosque, management room, and CCTV Control Room. Gelora Bung Karno Hockey Field has been certified by the International Hockey Federation (FIH).
Type :
Call Center :
021 - 29888555 Ext. 7000
List Schedule :
Capacity :
818 seats
Total Booking :
1.8 K
Size :
P. 100 Meter x L. 63 Meter
Category :
Roma Ariand
“Lahan parkir terlalu kecil. Mohon consider untuk lapangan parkir hoki bisa dipindahkan ke dekat lapangan 2.“
“Jam nya mati.
Kalau bisa, tolong diperbaiki. Terima kasih“
“Lapangan Ok, pelayanan petugas yang ramah“
“Lapangan Ok, petugas Mantap“